Using the message boards and journals, teachers can document what the students get excited about and how they learn.
Now, using diaries, letters, and journals that have come to light in the ensuing years, Tribune history writer Harold Schindler has fleshed out the narrative.
Tribune history writer, using diaries, letters, journals and reminiscences that have come to light this century, has fleshed out the following narrative.
Computers don't need to understand the content in the papers, but just needs to do the fact checking, by using other published journals and books.
His book-length poem The Ash Range (1987) uses diaries, journals of pioneers, and newspaper articles in its construction of a history of Gippsland.
Although he knew little about farming, he taught himself using agricultural journals and correspondence with other "scientific-oriented" farmers.
Nobody has given me per- mission to use journals, and it's a punishable offense to bury data in a restricted memory bank.
He wrote about using journals and ledgers, and warned that a person should not go to sleep at night until the debits were the same as the credits.
Using journals is the second simplest persistence technique.
Social research may well use books, journals, research reports, theses, documents, observations and surveys.