They used kayaks characterized as being sleek and of well made design.
They used kayaks, atlatls and harpoons to kill sea mammals for sustenance.
For safety reasons, you generally shouldn't use regular recreational kayaks to kayak surf.
The water is too swift for open canoes, so visitors are asked to use kayaks.
The creek is rated as a beginners creek for those interested in learning how to safely use canoes and kayaks.
They would then use folding kayaks to attach limpet mines to Japanese ships.
'I am beginning to think we should be using kayaks after all.'
After completing the 'curriculum', they will travel 160km along the Straits of Malacca using kayaks.
The main form of competitive sport using canoe and kayaks is canoe racing.
And we've also had to use kayaks and pontoon boats, since we haven't had enough guards in the chairs.