I don't use limousines and the straits have only needed a security person once.
In April 2007 it was revealed that he planned to use limousines packed with explosives and radioactive "dirty" bombs for the attacks.
The interstate travels of a mobile home and a smuggler using several limousines to transport cocaine and marijuana were also reported in the cable.
As a result, middle-class people are not only using limousines for trips to the city, but also for weddings, bachelor parties and even to pick up newborn babies from hospitals.
Instead, the family-owned business in Glenelg, Md., offers an extensive range of domestic tours using its own 50 buses and limousines.
The Secret Service might use limousines as decoys.
Still, "the shuttle buses took away many fares, especially to the airport," Mr. Robles said, adding, "People were using limousines as well."
Yet almost all of them use chauffeur-driven limousines and ignore the trams.
We'll use limousines with escorts to and from work, and the Supreme Court police will provide backup and secure this building.
B5 Mr. Lazio criticized Mrs. Clinton for using "chauffeured limousines," referring to her Secret Service escort.