Potential flow in two dimensions is simple to analyze using conformal mapping, by the use of transformations of the complex plane.
You may find this guidance useful if you are considering, or are already using digital mapping.
In response, he began developing an "e-government" software platform that uses digital mapping to permit far more accurate property tax assessments and collection.
El Dorado, 1915, Kansas, First oil field found using science/geologic mapping.
Other cities began using aerial mapping, as they found it was faster and less expensive than the ground surveys of the time.
Cartographers use dasymetric mapping for population density over other methods because of its ability to realistically place data over geography.
"There are still some old planets around here that could use mapping."
Synthesizing the addresses of Actors is usually modeled using mapping.
Frequently the transformation can be written using vector algebra and linear mapping.
Using variable mapping, motion charts allow control over the appearance of the blobs at different time points.