Saif al-Islam described as "lies" media reports that troops had bombed civilians or were using mercenaries.
Here he planned to establish his own permanent moneylending empire, using mercenaries to do the dirtier work of collection around the realm.
They used Celtic mercenaries for their own defence, according to Polybius (3.41).
There was also the possibility, the diplomat said, that the South African military and security forces were using mercenaries to help Renamo.
Booth remarks that companies use South African mercenaries.
"I'm not sure about using mercenaries to protect you, Your Highness."
The government crack-down on the protests is continuing using foreign mercenaries.
She said they were now the targets of a backlash triggered by reports that Gaddafi was using African mercenaries against his own people.
I now see why King Mithridates always had to use mercenaries and northerners in his army.
"I hear the Bosnian Muslims are using foreign mercenaries."