It was a project to design a computer workstation that interfaced with local area networks using microprocessors.
Unlike mainframes, PCs use cheap microprocessors and run standard software.
Many other companies at the time were also making "business personal computers" using their own proprietary designs, some still using 8-bit microprocessors.
The first video games that used pseudo-3D were primarily arcade games, the earliest known examples dating back to the mid-1970s, when they began using microprocessors.
Client-server computing is based on machines using low-cost, efficient microprocessors, a big advantage for computer users.
He created the arcade board using new microprocessors from the United States.
Using microprocessors, ion-exchange separation can be conducted on a nanoliter scale in a short period of time.
A new, distributed recording system using microprocessors has now been developed and is reported here.
Nevertheless, many analysts think that machines using microprocessors have already caught up with mainframes in performance and will soon surpass them.
On April 6, for example, the company will introduce large computer systems using microprocessors as part of its transition to a single-technology strategy.