I couldn't even use mouthwash or I'd vomit.
Appropriately, one might brush their teeth, floss, and use mouthwash, before and after playing to lower risks of illness.
Flossing daily, using mouthwash and making sure you visit the dentist regularly can help in this regard.
Thus it is recommended to refrain from using mouthwash directly after toothbrushing with paste (also see mouthwashes, below).
Try using mouthwash then.
Also ask your dentist's advice on when to start using mouthwash.
But then again, not everyone was brushing their teeth and using mouthwash then, so a mouth-to-mouth kiss was probably a very different experience!
He wanted badly to brush his teeth and use mouthwash, but was unsure of the etiquette: would such a gesture seem impolite?
You have to actually watch people using makeup or mouthwash.
She hates it in her mouthwash (or she would, except that she has stopped using mouthwash).