In recent months, Chad has accused Libya of using chemical weapons, napalm and phosphorus on the battlefield, and has requested protective equipment from France and the United States.
The Turkish army was said by the Iraqi government and by some media reports to have used napalm.
Thompson writes a letter to a local Aspen newspaper informing them that, on Christmas Eve, he was going to use napalm to burn a number of dogs and hopefully any humans they find.
By 4 February the Portuguese military responded to the rebellion by bombing villages in the area, allegedly using napalm, killing between 400 and 7,000 indigenous Africans.
The Portuguese Air Force responded to the rebellion by bombing twenty villages in the area, allegedly using napalm in an attack that resulted in some 400 indigenous Angolan deaths.
"It's more viscous - we could get the flames up to 300 feet if we use napalm."
In an effort to make way for armor and infantrymen, they used napalm, ground-clearing fuel-air bombs and cluster bombs, which the G.I.'s describe as "steel rain."
Among them were detonating his train, collapsing a railway bridge as his train was crossing, using napalm, and simply using a handgun to assassinate him.
The last U.S. bomb to use actual napalm was the Mark 77 Mod 4, the last of which were destroyed in March 2001.