Oh, you're right about gravitonics, but suppose they used small nukes or dusted each other?
The fact remains," said the President, "that we can't use nukes.
The only way to "use" nukes is to not use them, if you see what I mean.
Chance of the Chinese using nukes for whatever they got in mind?
The report concluded that using nukes made no military sense.
It was time for some serious negotiation, but the Hammer decided to bring things to a quick end-by using tactical nukes.
Ever since then, nobody has even considered using nukes.
Now that the settlement is founded, Yelén doesn't want us to use nukes in near space.
We're not using traditional 'dirty' nukes for this; we don't have them.
Harmon's is so hard you couldn't get 'em away from him without you use nukes.