It pays a fee to Metro-North for the use of Metro-North's tracks and platforms.
To transform Ferrer into Henri required the use of platforms and concealed pits as well as special camera angles, makeup and costumes.
Our use of new platforms reflects our desire to make great writing as visible as possible.
Lara's use of multiple platforms: television, web, Twitter, and blogs was highlighted by Rachel Boehm.
Modern computer use relies much more heavily on the use of standardized platforms and products, such as the many general-purpose tools available today under Linux and the Microsoft operating systems.
Via this brand, the company produces commercial work on a minimum budget, and promote the use of various platforms of advertising, such as narrowcasting, internet, video walls and other new media.
The North Sea has been the scene of the first significant use of platforms that rest on concrete bases.
The use of steps or raised platforms is recommended.
The use of such platforms also makes it considerably easier to use three-dimensional sets rather than traditional flat images.
For weather/environmental monitoring and studying Perhaps the most common use of high-altitude platforms is for environment/weather monitoring.