Do not use on large areas of skin, apply heat, or leave it in place longer than directed or serious side effects may occur.
You can use the patch on most areas of the body as long as the skin is clean, dry and not very hairy.
If the product is used on hairy areas or in skin folds, extend the drying time.
Do not use imiquimod topical on areas of broken, wounded, or burned skin.
Also avoid using this medication in wounds or on areas of infection.
Children who burn very easily can use zinc oxide on sensitive areas like the nose and ears.
Two more to use on areas, now would you like to tell some of this to Barbara?
Do not use the cream on areas of broken skin.
Experts recommend using mild creams and phototherapy on affected areas at first.
They are commonly used on areas such as the face, scalp, and nails, although they sometimes can cause skin irritation.