Both technologies can be used on the same board for components not suited to surface mounting such as transformers and heat-sinked power semiconductors.
In-circuit test systems may also be used to program nonvolatile memory components on the board.
The names of NBC employees and friends of the Homicide crew were used on the white board.
It is also used on the dollar amounts on the board on the American game show Jeopardy!
We used every track on the board and then some.
In a few seconds Nick learned that he could use the direction keys on the board to look at specific items in his cabin.
He used this support in his efforts on the board that first year.
Fine-grained powder is used on the board to enable the pieces to slide easily.
Bonnie has only a limited number of turns or moves (with each word consuming one turn) to use every tile position on the board.
We use a grease pen on the board because assignments change at any given time.