Perhaps she didn't fully use all types of assessments - children's answers to questions, written work, their efforts at self-evaluation, and tests.
He could see she was the type of interviewer who used her guests' answers as quiet time in which to consider her next question.
Bane was intent on making a discovery of his own, and using the chamberlain's unthinking answers, he was drawing very near it.
Judge Ginsburg did not appear to be using her long answers as techniques for stalling or obfuscating, however.
Then, we use their answers as the data.
Use their answers to compare schools.
Using the producers' answers, the institute ranked more than 65 brands, with 18 receiving the highest rating, 5 cows and from 1,150 to 1,200 points.
Participants use their answers to prepare essays meant to help them explore their feelings.
I seek the truth, and would use your answers only for the purposes of defining this investigation.
Why are they not shouting with joy and, upon being consulted, using their answers to praise the proposal for a directive?