It has used her likeness and her memory for its own purposes.
The claims were groundless and the company did indeed have rights to use Hill's likeness in the game.
The military has subverted enough of her program to generate propaganda media using her likeness.
It made the apology after learning that he had not granted permission to use his likeness or his name.
It claimed that Stockett used her likeness in the book.
When he came up with the idea for the watch, Disney sold him a license to use Mickey's likeness.
After purchasing the rights to use the sculpture's likeness from Hayes, the studio created a fiberglass replica.
Apparently, the issue's artist was a fan of the singer and decided to use her likeness for a character in the story.
She had programmed the computer to defend the outpost and it used her likeness for the assassins.
This resemblance resulted in controversy as permission had not been sought to use the building's likeness in the film.