It was his first opportunity to use his listening post.
He plans to use his post to revive the campaign for the restoration of Africa's cultural heritage.
The new sign went up within a week after the old one was taken down in December 2006 and uses the old sign's post.
Hinckle used his post at the Independent to advocate for his personal political beliefs.
Mr. Ramon is also certain to use his new post to maneuver for the future leadership of the party.
"Plan A was to use the majority leader's post as an agenda-setting vehicle to make progress in the Presidential campaign," he said.
We'll be using your post here for the next few days.
They said billing records suggested that he was not reluctant to use his name and father's post to commercial advantage.
He used his former post as Minister of Environment to secure land for these constructions.
Yet so far Dobraine seemed to be using his new post only to run the city.