He has also vowed not to use his official residence for ticketed fund-raising events.
Mr. Brown used his residence as a performance space to stage his frequent happenings.
I've spoken to the Vicar General by phone, and he's agreed that everyone else may use the Cardinal's residence.
I happen to know that Satan doesn't use his residence in Purgatory, so it would be available for a temporary stay.
Moments later, I was on the phone with my aunt, asking her if we could use her residence as a set.
But since I have the apartment, and my valet Jeffrey, who drove the car here to-night, I naturally expect to use my own residence.
They had been using Carstairs' residence as their chief base of operations, and his death mandated that they seek a new location.
Plans also include a 35,000-square-foot clubhouse, 15 cottages for members to use overnight and a manager's residence.
The Shadow, when he chose, used Cranston's residence and lived there, passing himself off as the millionaire.
Using my residence is out of the question, though.