Senator Landrieu is proud to use her seat on the Appropriations Committee to ensure that Louisiana's needs are met.
He used his seat in the Lords to campaign in support of council tenants, statutory control of estate agents, and for better treatment of diabetes.
Lazarus may use the astrogator's seat while Deety makes responses from the cargo space.
"I used my seat on the Appropriations Committee to help cut $30 million from the waste site budget," he says in the spot.
For after using his plastic seat in the conventional manner, he thought it would make a nice necklace.
"Leave him there and use my seat."
He used his seat in the House of Lords to express his concerns for equality and education.
And I intend to use my seat on the Indian Affairs Committee to change that.
"Steve, you going to use your seat?"
Mr. Frelinghuysen has used his seat on the Appropriations Committee to bring home federal funds to protect open space across the Highlands.