To do so, a player may use his turn to either draw cards or claim a route.
For example, a player with a dead hand and four fingers on the other can use their turn to "split" the points 2:2.
Additionally in professional 2 player games, the person to start the game can use their initial turn to move two pieces at once.
Dr. Wolfe uses his turn as a subtle but pleasant way to teach about good food that is good for you.
They may use their whole turn to transfer 2 destination tickets from their personal hand to the team's shared hand.
Ackman was next, and he used his turn at the lectern to defend Merkin.
In addition to shoving his own coin directly between the lines, a player may use his turn to knock his own coins into position.
Instead of rolling, a player may choose to use their turn to exchange Tower Cards.
The countries of Eurasia cycle through; when it goes through a country, it means they have used their turn.
This allows the attacker to act again, and requires that the knocked-down combatant use its next turn to stand up.