Contrary to what might be inferred from the term, such wells generally are not used to help relieve pressure using multiple outlets from the blowout zone.
Those without access to branches or machines often must use expensive check-cashing outlets that operate independently of commercial banks.
Many of these techniques are best described as alternative medicine, including meditation and prayer, and therapies that use creative outlets such as art, music, or dance.
Find them and punish them but also encourage them to use better outlets and applaud them when they take those furtive steps.
Additionally, editorial pieces are distributed using various websites and web-media outlets under the Money Talks brand.
As Mr. Friedman sees it, when a film has a well-recognized name, a company can use mass-marketing outlets like billboards and bus shelters.
Plugs and sockets for portable appliances started becoming available in the 1880's, to replace connections to light sockets with easier to use wall-mounted outlets.
You use commercial outlets, all these kiosks with women selling soap, beer, cigarettes - that's where people go for condoms, not to a clinic.
Standards deteriorated as the regime sought to use cultural outlets exclusively as propaganda media.
That enables you to use existing switches and outlets, without going to the expense of buying new fixtures.