Imagine what would happen to the price of farm commodities if farmers were required to use oxen instead of tractors.
They would have been transported using oxen and specialized carts.
Plowing was done using oxen and wooden, iron reinforced plows.
Why not, if Koreans, who used oxen for transportation 40 years ago, are now living in one of the most developed countries in the world?
"I didn't realize that they've started using oxen to pull the freight boats along the canal."
A group of farmers came to their aid, using oxen to lift the car.
The people of Jodhpur are vegetarians but use domesticated oxen, camels and buffalo as working animals.
At that time, very few farmers had horses so had to use oxen.
A lot of people use oxen in their treadmills,' said Vimes mildly.
Ferrying is done using oxen to pull the raft across with ropes anchored on both banks of the Elkhorn.