The use of brick as a construction material peaked in the 1920s.
Is the use of heroin increasing, peaking or decreasing?
In the United States the use of psychosurgery probably peaked at an estimated 5,000 or so operations annually.
The use of organochlorines increased during the 1950s and peaked in the 1970s.
The use of these treatments peaked in the 1950s.
Four years later, the reported use of NSLs peaked at 56,000.
The use of the name peaked in the 1970s and has declined since then.
The use of oil-fired plants peaked in the late 1970s, and by the mid-1980s most facilities had been converted back to coal.
The use of cocaine in its various forms peaked in the mid-1980's and has fallen since.
Among married women, use of the pill peaked in 1973, when 36 percent used it.