Like most of the recipes in the book, this one is not for cooks who have trouble using salt, pepper and butter with abandon.
Dishes are typically spicy foods that use chili pepper.
The cook may have spent years relying on recipes, thereby losing - or perhaps never developing - an instinct for using salt and pepper.
To be sure, Anne discovered later on that she had used white pepper instead of ginger; but Janet never knew the difference.
But the Southern side of the family used hot pepper, garlic, salt meat.
Not enough is known about the safety of using topical pepper during pregnancy.
"People who use white pepper must have white pepper," he said.
The list, called Flavorprints, states that all cuisines use black pepper and onions.
Here I use parsley, garlic, shallots, thyme, salt and pepper.
They can see that we're using salt and pepper.'