The governing party reportedly pressured the news media not to use polls that showed the challenger leading.
Others plan to use polls conducted for them over the weekend.
"We use polls as a crutch and it's weakening other skills we have."
Eventually, he learned that by using polls, he could stock products people wanted and be more successful.
It's different than using polls to determine the outcome of a Presidential election, this is far less cut and dried, far more complex.
Using nonpartisan polls and averaging a few days worth of polls did best.
There was some concern that news organizations, using polls of early voters, would call the election days or even weeks before it was over.
If that was the flaw, it underlines the argument offered by one critic of how the media, especially newspapers, use polls.
Some news organizations have been transforming themselves into agents for those they cover, using polls, town hall meetings and other techniques to gauge communities' needs.
Now, presidents can use scientific polls and focus groups.