Commercial use prohibited.
Unauthorized use prohibited.
It is evidently with good reason that "Peyote has never been legally declared a narcotic, or its use prohibited by the federal government."
In this case, the police power applies insofar as the Kohler Act prohibits a noxious use, the noxious use here being the subsidence of buildings.
This law is intended to conserve the forests, prohibit deforestation, and the irrational use of forestry products.
Their definition prohibits the use of apple and pear concentrates, and prohibits substantial chaptalisation of the juice (adding sugar prior to fermentation) except in years when the level of natural sugar in the fruit is low.
Such infrequent use prohibits any conclusion about the outcome of these patients compared with the others.
The treaty agreed on today prohibits the use, production and development of anti-personnel land mines.
It is the de facto official language and the Administration of Justice (Language) Act (Ireland) 1737 prohibits the use of languages other than English in legal proceedings.
The majority opinion did not dispute the power of the federal government to regulate drugs, but disagreed that the statute in place empowered the U.S. Attorney General to overrule state laws determining what constituted the appropriate use of medications that were not themselves prohibited.