Star is a young girl in a pink outfit who throws shuriken at all levels, and uses fast punches and kicks.
When the meter is full, Bruce attacks by using punches, kicks, and tail whips.
The style is simple to use as it does not require advanced movements such as grappling, therefore only using punches and kicks.
Most woodworkers prefer to use a ball-peen hammer for using punches.
Players can use punches, kicks, weapons, grabs, and board tricks to battle the Big Core's minions.
Dislikes using punches in fights as he hates to 'skin his knuckles'.
He is always willing to help somebody in need, and he constantly protects his friends from bullies (often without using punches).
He used round and square punches as well as knives, each of which produced different kinds of punctures.
Savate French style of kickboxing that uses punches and kicks.
Most tape-punching equipment used solid punches to create holes in the tape.