To communicate this to an audience, he used film, dance, Bunraku-style puppetry and himself as living sculpture.
She attacks using puppetry, a departure from her old magic-styled attacks.
Using puppetry as the media, she produced/directed/mounted Hispanic folktales puppet plays.
Mr. Baryshnikov said he suggested they do a small-scale work that would use dance and puppetry, connecting the body language of dancers and marionettes.
The play traces the life of a mythical warrior ant, using Afro-Caribbean songs, dance and puppetry.
Adapted by Andrew James, the production was the first to portray most of the characters in Lindsay's story using actors, rather than puppetry.
Satyajit Padhye uses ventriloquism and puppetry to create social awareness through many shows for cancer patients.
The Iliad and the Odyssey were presented using puppetry.
The series mainly showed short sketch comedy films using live action, animation, and puppetry.
"I plan to work on the political and social-consciousness level, using puppetry with children and adults."