Therefore it is able to use an old scanner without a device driver on new x64 systems.
In addition to her small computer, she uses an old flatbed scanner and a single phone line.
The standard addresses all of the issues that an application using a scanner needs to be concerned with.
They found no one, not even when his men used primitive life-tracer scanners.
Mike hadn't used a retinal scanner before but it was pretty straightforward.
More recently, it has become a problem for supermarket cashiers who use scanners.
Being able to send a facsimile directly from one's personal computer, without having to use a scanner, is a real convenience.
To use a scanner which only had the remotest chance of spotting him showed just how serious they were.
When you are using a scanner, you must show it to the research room staff and receive special instructions.
He used a scanner to listen, at random, to mobile telephone conversations.