Another goal is to attract marketers now using other shops or independent media services agencies.
Also, as local farmers used the village pubs and shops, many of the owners had placed disinfectant mats on their doorsteps.
Vibrant city centres largely depend upon well-paid office workers using shops, restaurants and other facilities.
For shopping, one has to use local shops, or travel to Matunga or Dadar.
The state law also prohibits insurance companies from requiring policyholders to use certain shops.
You won't need Maldivian rufiya unless you're using local shops and services.
Shopping comes home on the bike (I work locally and use small local shops as well as the occasional supermarket blow-out).
Erm and they use local shops almost exclusively.
I'll use local shops for my bread and butter thanks.
They don't care about the lower classes who are using stores and shops.