LEAD: Presidents have often used the United Nations as a highly visible but safe place to send large egos.
Iran would also have every incentive to use the United Nations as a shield against Iraqi attacks.
Mr. Boutros-Ghali was in a sense recognizing that for the first time since the 1950's, the major powers were more eager in some cases to use the United Nations than to act unilaterally.
They are using the United Nations as an instrument to drag things out so their forces on the ground can grab more territory.
Don't use the United Nations for cover.
Not since 1945 have we seen the real possibility of using the United Nations as it was designed, as a center for international collective security.
Of course, companies could donate products or services without using the United Nations as a go-between.
Lately, he had worked to use the United Nations as a new focus of Soviet-American relations.
In Mr. Dalton's opinion, Mr. Gorbachev used the United Nations as a "forum to enhance his public image."
Using the United Nations for his pulpit, the Iranian President intended to portray his country as a victim of Iraqi aggression and to appeal to Americans' sense of fair play.