To eliminate this a new direct line was opened to the docks on 13 May 1970 using the same alignment as from 1877 to 1898.
The line will in the long term be duplicated and electrified, largely using the existing alignment.
Some passenger trains continue to use the old alignment, the Centre Street Branch.
The team has used the 3-4 alignment since Greene's retirement.
The first passenger train to use the new alignment was the California Zephyr, on July 16.
At the goal line, we used the 6-4-1 alignment and blitzed off it.
US 44 used the alignment of the extended Route 101.
In eastern Utah the route used the existing alignment of US-50.
South Dakota 37 was in place by 1926, and largely has used the same alignment since.
This used the same alignment as in 1877 to 1898 and removed the need of trains to reverse at Felixstowe Town.