The branching of trees, which enables children to use small twigs as stand-ins for full trees in dioramas, is another example.
They had to start a fire there by the riverbank, and use burning twigs to make the worms' heads let go.
Giant Gourami build nests using weeds and twigs.
Watching someone put up an umbrella in the rain, they will immediately mimic this, using leaves and twigs.
For nest material, it uses rootlets, thin twigs, and ferns.
Most species nest in pairs, building cup-shaped nests using twigs, bark, roots and leaves.
Full dark and first moonrise had occurred before they were able to eat, using twigs like chopsticks to get the pieces from pot to leaf.
On the soot-blackened surface of a holy stone he built a fire, using twigs from three different species of tree.
They used sticks and twigs to carefully probe and gently push away the dirt until the mines could be safely lifted out.
We used branches and twigs to form sleeping shelters and scattered the structures over the ground in the morning.