But contrary to what their on-screen demeanors might suggest, they use utensils.
In deference to Federation custom, he used utensils to serve himself rather than his hands.
Coordination for using utensils properly and eating with dexterity takes years to develop.
They ate at a large table made from actual tree pulp, using utensils of the finest tin.
For most schools, that means using plastic utensils.
Prior to this, most of the good sold here were used, especially used clothing and utensils.
Mike must prepare a dish using only one pot, and is not allowed to use any cutlery or utensils.
Be that as it may, Western society assiduously learned to use utensils in a nonthreatening manner.
He must also be able to tie several knots used around camp, and fix a meal for himself without using utensils.
It reaches to the point that patients are unable to feed themselves because of not being able to use simple utensils.