Vincent said he has interviewed about 35 players and executives, using videotape.
Allen has studied hours of videotape, but teams are not allowed to use videotape during games.
Prior to this, the show had used videotape for studio scenes and film for location footage.
It was the first area station to use videotape and the first to broadcast from news events live.
However, he denied ever using videotape to gain an advantage while a game was underway.
This instance is notable as it was the first instant replay system to use videotape instead of film.
The lower budget is evident from the installments having been produced using videotape rather than more expensive film stock.
Houston also uses videotape to create its own metrics.
He said referees should use such videotape to settle such disputes.
"But our cameramen are also having to learn how to use videotape all over again."