The majority of residents (49 homes) have household plumbing, and most use individual wells.
People who use wells in the desert could be warned that one day they would lack water.
Homes using private wells and public systems can be affected.
According to a 2004 survey, none of the inhabitants have access to drinkable water, and are forced to use unprotected wells.
In addition, the developer has agreed that the complex will not be allowed to use municipal wells for lawn watering.
The three fields in the venture will be developed using underwater wells, linked by flow lines to the tanker.
An estimated 8,000 people live in the area; 80 percent of the residents use private wells for their water supply.
Houses tend to be occupied by from six to twenty people, using shallow wells for water.
The town now uses individual septic systems and wells.
Using wells, freshwater is available at a reasonable depth for irrigation and domestic purposes.