In addition, teachers have been encouraged to use worksheets when possible so that students do not have to take books home each night.
Its outlets teach math using standardized worksheets that students tackle in timed drills.
With reference to the example of Sivraj (page 311), prepare a profit and loss account and balance sheet from the data given using worksheets.
The test can be administered using pencil-and-paper worksheets or through a computer interface.
It is feared that some teachers are being forced to dump books - and teach children using basic worksheets - to boost their performance in literacy tests.
Even Professor Stipek's yet-unpublished research suggests that teacher-directed activities using drill and practice, worksheets and group instruction may teach some children important skills.
In the Wood family, an aunt was a facilitator, and she used those skills at a major family meeting, using worksheets to show people their options.
Publishers were looked to for far more support than in the past, as the following interview comments show: 'There's a change from the past, when we used worksheets predominantly, with textbooks just for backup.
He had successfully used commercial worksheets which helped pupils to develop specific library skills in years 1 and 2.
Set up an effective training program using the instructions, worksheets and examples on pages 59 - 66 of the Workbook.