In addition, there are a number of techniques that are used to delay or avoid capital gains taxes.
In practice, however, bribes are often used to pass inspection or avoid road police tickets even with illegal tint.
This allows the carved out table to be used as a place for the woman to crawl up in and avoid the saw.
These are not used to save syllables or avoid complexity.
Walkers and other devices are used to help aide this process and avoid obstacles.
Reaction Commands can be used to defeat regular enemies or avoid damage, and are sometimes necessary to complete a boss battle.
A pass could be used to save energy and avoid taking a jump that would not improve their position in the standings.
Chemical signaling can even be used to find genetically different mates and avoid inbreeding.
A series of loops were used on the west side of the pass to deal with the steep hill and avoid the avalanche routes.
The tactic is used in hostile territory to fly below radar and avoid enemy fire.