The term is commonly used derisively, as if to describe people literally rolling on the floor or speaking in tongues in an uncontrolled manner.
The term is also used derisively for commercially produced beers which are thought to taste too weak.
Writers of sonnets are sometimes called "sonneteers," although the term can be used derisively.
The phrase is sometimes used derisively, in the sense of condescending or hypocritical social responsibility.
The term is also used derisively by critics as an insinuation of aggrandizement by such ministers.
The term may be used affectionately by news editors, but is often used derisively by sit-down commentators.
The term "land yacht" is also used derisively for any large vehicle.
Also used derisively to refer to "soft" soldiers in the Israeli Army.
Used derisively or affectionately, and pertaining to female genitalia.
The use of these names became accepted by the recipient for most were not used derisively but became natural names.