This plant used for building military 4-tonne 4x4.
It is estimated that the material used for building the wall could fill 15,000 railway carriages.
In 1857, a part was used for building the new Leiden Observatory.
In May 1881 the company signed a contract with the government to purchase the land, formation and materials used for building the line so far.
It is also used as a construction method for building a sorting network.
Seafield and its two counterparts were closed in the early 1970s to open up land to be used for building new homes.
Aluminum panels are used for building high speed ships.
At least three builders' engines were used for building the line.
The Palmer incident was used as the base for building a defense wall in near by roads.
Dendrochronology has shown that the timber used for building the church was cut in 1137.