This innovation was used to stiffen and hold the edge of the sail when sailing close to the wind.
Easter baskets are used to collect or hold treats for Easter.
The lead hand can be used to grab or hold as required.
To the west of the school, there is also another field which can be used to play football or hold P.E. classes.
There was nothing to indicate that any gluelike medium had been used to mount the spheres and hold them in their places.
Barley is often used to attract or hold the birds.
This is generally used in areas prone to erosion to absorb the wave energy and hold beach material.
The top of this prominent mountain was used to find and hold the direction for travellers.
More than a dozen academic departments have used it to screen movies and hold discussions in the past year.
My little mother used always to sit beside me and hold my hand till I went to sleep.