As a result, Yoshina has refined his power to the point where it can be used offensively and defensively.
Used offensively, the volley can play a crucial role in scoring straight goals.
Stasis can also be used offensively to slow down enemies.
After all, what could stop the Mole if it were used offensively?
Dragons can be used offensively, therefore they are weapons,' said Lie!
What materials do we have aboard that could be used defensively or offensively?
On the occasions where mines are used offensively, it is primarily to deny the enemy use of a particular area or route.
The weapons could be used offensively as well as defensively.
Trains were intended to be used offensively and could carry troops, weapons and supplies.
While the hammer portion of the doloire could also be used offensively, its primary function was utilitarian.