In essence, they were the same elements that could be applied to the used-car business.
The used-car business is like an offensive tackle, a not-so-pretty giant that goes about its duties mostly unnoticed.
The fastest-growing sector of high-risk lending these days is the used-car business.
The Ayub brothers, who operate a shady used-car business, carry on a running feud with a local gang.
Melissa nodded, concealing a smile as she pictured the ramshackle building where Gloria's husband operated his used-car business.
It has already taught Toyota invaluable lessons about the used-car business, which is picking up in Japan.
He quickly discovered that he enjoyed the finance industry more than the used-car business.
"This used-car business is just one industry that will experience a lot of growth in the next 10 years," Mr. Rainwater said.
Twice divorced, with a son in college, Tony, who runs a used-car business, has lost most of his hair.
While a student, he started an informal business of fixing and reselling used cars, establishing a used-car business in 1956.