To grow useful herbs and things?
He wants you to eat the ancient and useful herb three times a day, as he does, and munch on garlic-based snacks in between.
The young leaves and peeled stalks are useful culinary herbs, while the roots have been used medicinally.
And was not too slow about grabbing a handful of any useful herbs she spotted which helped prevent the trouble.
There was some trading with the Firvulag for gems and furs and useful herbs and trinkets.
"If badly," she said, "Mother Grum has useful herbs - or I might be of help."
Balm and other useful herbs, denotes satisfaction in business and warm friendships.
Other useful herbs include:
The following is a list of the most useful herbs I have found, along with their properties and uses.
It has a particularly nice section of cacti as well as a didactic section on useful herbs.