Like fractal dimension, it is possible to calculate Zipf dimension, which is a useful parameter in the analysis of texts.
The extrema are not of any great interest in themseleves, but are used in the calculation of several more useful parameters.
The averaged diffusion of the momentum-squared is a useful parameter in characterizing the delocalization of nearby trajectories.
More generally, when b may vary along streamlines, it still proves a useful parameter, related to the "head" of the fluid (see below).
A clinically useful parameter is the absolute (rather than relative, and not negative) difference between pre- and post-test probability, calculated as:
However, theories have been developed that can produce acceptable approximations which in turn describe useful parameters and properties of the composite material as a whole.
(2) Acid clearance time is a useful parameter of impaired oesophageal motor function.
It is also a useful parameter with which to monitor the success of treatment; the CRP value falls rapidly as inflammation comes under control.
For fuels, the energy per unit volume is sometimes a useful parameter.