Most people automatically queue up when they see a line forming, not caring what's at the other end; boot polish, soap, tomatoes or a useless gadget.
The text was interrupted successively by some text running sideways, a graph depicting escalating mineral water sales, the number '6' and a table of five useless gadgets.
He usually starts it with out-of-print books and continues with obscure, hard-to-find, useless gadgets.
"Just toys, useless gadgets that I keep for my amusement."
If the site closes, the egg-shaped SportBrains will become useless gadgets.
Dr. Heslin was reluctant to talk about his own collection of useless gadgets.
There are a lot of useless gadgets out there, and no doubt some people would put the Game Time Schedule Watch in the same category.
He was planning to develop mind control so that the world's populace would buy the next useless gadget he would bring to market.
That was a suggestion from a reader in Washington in response to a column Aug. 1 about old and useless gadgets.
Wiffle Piffle is an annoying door to door salesman, selling a variety of useless gadgets.