In this example, the user could authenticate 1000 times before the hash chain is exhausted.
It is fundamental that mobile users and devices can authenticate in an autonomous way without relying on a common authentication infrastructure.
The user authenticates to an access control mechanism external to Shibboleth.
If some more steps are carried out, the user can also authenticate the validation server.
CAS then gives the application trusted information about whether a particular user has successfully authenticated.
A session starts after the user has successfully authenticated.
The user must authenticate with the Radius server the first time - then he can roam between access points using cached credentials.
Any system which allows users to authenticate via an untrusted network (such as the Internet) is vulnerable to man-in-the-middle attacks.
Juxtapose will require users to identify and authenticate themselves, a departure from other peer services where anonymity prevails, he said.
Many of these machines now require users to authenticate themselves via a login procedure.