A stock at price POP$95 would mean roughly that users believed there to be a 95% chance of the event happening.
The user does not believe the words have any effect in themselves, but are empowered to do so by Allah, the Most High.
Its success in ritual must have depended on whether the user believed Habundia would bless that particular working.
Some users believed that this was a better feature.
There's a drug in this system called sorgan which has the property of making its user believe anything he's told.
Overall, many users believe that mobility allows field technicians to be better prepared, make smarter decisions, and serve more customers.
Chemical and biological weapons are only employed when a user believes his enemy cannot or will not retaliate in kind.
The question later changed and asked if the users believed it or not.
Some users believe that these computer communications are inherently different than those that take place in person or on the telephone.
Many users believe that installing a firewall will protect them against these attacks.