A user captures either a photo, video, or audio of public works problem.
Visual Mind is mind mapping software that allows users to capture and organize information in a visual manner.
It is a consumer video device which allows users to capture television programming to internal hard disk storage for later viewing (and time shifting).
The game ended when one user captured all of the planets and destroyed his opponent's ship.
Current video-editing systems permit users to capture only single images.
MimioCapture devices also allow users to capture all of the ink strokes that are written on the whiteboard.
Without content protection, users with the appropriate equipment could easily capture each and every frame of the film at its full resolution, effectively making a "perfect" copy.
The channel capture effect is a phenomenon where one user of a shared medium "captures" the medium for a significant time.
A user cannot capture the screen while DVD Player is running.
If the user could capture that value, said Mr. Mills, electric mowers would become far more tempting.