In these cases, developers expect users to compile the new or changed files themselves.
Unlike a conventional software distribution, the user compiles the source code locally according to their chosen configuration.
Once the code is complete, a user would compile the project using their preferred .
Smart Notebook collaborative learning software, which allows users to compile images and other media into virtual notebooks.
The software lets users create their own family trees with drag-and-drop editing and compile an index of relatives.
Many sites allow users to post blog entries, search for others with similar interests and compile and share lists of contacts.
The application also allows users to take notes and compile a shopping list, and features functions such as a cooking timer and a quantity calculator.
Watchlists are lists of members and tags that a user can compile to easily find interesting news.
Base, then, is closest to how a user would compile a program with standard flags.
This means users can compile their code with any of the available libraries.