By this we mean: You can access a program the same way you access a user directory, and so on.
PAK as root directories, the user directory for the game as "/saves".
Authorized users have access to documents stored on the server or in their individual user directories anytime, from anywhere, via a web browser.
Install to the current user directory for files and applications that you want only available to a specific user.
Services may include electronic mail, inclusion in a published user directory, access to a database, access to a network or mainframe, etc.
Modulefiles can be installed in a central location for general use, or in a user directory for personal use.
In information management, this is used to create teams that can perform specific (limited) tasks for changing information within a user directory or database.
My wife has her own music library, and I have my own in different user directories in Windows 7.
Reassign the user directory to a different partition, or better, a different drive entirely.
Detection and analysis of encrypted user directories.