All users may display information about their relations, up or down the family tree.
Specifically, verbosity settings allow users to construct a mental model of web pages displayed on their computer screen.
In the extra large version, the user can display as few as six lines of text on the same size screen in big, fat letters.
The user will scroll through a list of book titles displayed on the book's spine.
One will be, which plans to offer a widget that allows users to display their own book reviews and build list of favorite works.
The user of the phone can display widgets on their home screen for quick and easy access to information.
From this window, the user can refine the search, change the sorting or grouping, and display all results in each category.
Online displays are also available which allow the user to display near real-time consumption on any device that can connect to the Internet.
Such services offer a base platform upon which users can display layers as they choose, or even add their own data to the display.
The user can display and examine these complex structures on-line.